
you can never get to where I am

the closest you can get is being a fan


A loyal friend is all i need

keeping up with me and your the lead


be a big girl, talk to me

I'll make you big, you will see


B- i- t- c- h and hera I am

faked hair and nails and got spray tan


you can steal a moment but you cant take

My life is just for me for goodness sake


B-i-t-c-h I know your fake

I don't care 'bout you or your heartache


B i t c h i never sleep

show me what you got i know your weak


B i t c h you will dig deep

you'll never be enough your just a freak


B- i- t- c- h and you are mine

you will never love, check, missed the sign


trying to destroy what i built up

you will never get the fame i've got!




fick upp denna texten i huvudet, var tvungen att skriva ner det, so B-i-t-c-h who are you messing with now ha? imorgon ska jag mixa fram ett beat...


så nu fick ni vara en del utav min musik också;) får se om texten blir bättre imorgon när huvudet är klart.. känns som om orden bara kommer ur munnen, när klockan är 03.40..


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